An inode in Linux is a file structure that holds data about a file. In Linux, everything is treated as a file. This includes directories and devices such as keyboard, mouse etc. Each of these files is associated with an inode.
The number of inodes consumed in a file system is equivalent to the number of files in that file system.
To best understand inodes, we’ll consider the questions below.
1. What is an inode number?
An inode number is also called an index number. It is a number that references a file in a file system. It is unique for each file in the file system. Inode numbers are stored in inode table.
2. What information on a file does an inode have?
An inode holds the following information about a file. It however doesn’t hold the name of the file
- File type: eg. regular file, directory, pipe
- Permissions to that file: read(r), write(w), execute(e)
- Link count: Hard links relative to the inode
- User ID: owner of the file
- Group ID: group owner of the file
- Size of file: size inbytes
- Time stamp: access time, modification time and change time
- Attributes: immutable’ for example
- Access control list: permissions for special users/groups
- Link to location of file
3. What is the relationship between inodes and disk space?
The number of inodes and disk space are not directly related. By this I mean, you many have a disk that is full in terms of size but has many free inodes. Similarly, you may have a disk with inodes depleted but has plenty of space still. This is because, inodes measure the number of files in the file system while disk space is a metric of how big files in the file system are. Type the commands df -h and df -i to compare your disk usage and file usage statistics.
4. What Linux commands exist that relate to inodes?
The following are some commands that can be used to get information relating to inodes.
- Stat command The stat command shows metadata stored on an inode about a file. It will display all the information stored on the inode number of a specific file
Desktop]$ stat rfc1035.txt
File: ‘rfc1035.txt’
Size: 122549 Blocks: 240 IO
Block: 4096 regular file
fd02h/64770d Inode: 402656946 Links: 1
(0664/-rw-rw-r--) Uid: ( 1000/ wm) Gid: ( 1000/ wm)
2019-02-19 18:55:39.863173618 +0300
1987-11-24 20:31:45.000000000 +0300
2019-01-29 06:04:48.743112578 +0300
Birth: -
more information about the stat command, see the manpage for stat
- df -i command
To display the number of inodes in the file system, use this command.
Desktop]$ df -i
Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on
26214400 500675 25713725 2% /
442784 461 442323 1% /dev
447172 58 447114 1% /dev/shm
447172 810 446362 1% /run
447172 16 447156 1% /sys/fs/cgroup
524288 372 523916 1% /boot
24162464 182457 23980007 1% /home
447172 37 447135 1% /run/user/1000
- ls -i command
This command will display the inode number of a files in the current directory. To display the inode number of a particular file, append its name after the command.
Desktop]$ ls -i rfc1035.txt
- find <dir_path> -inum <inode_no>
The find command can be used with -inum option to locate the path of a file, given its inode number.
Desktop]$ find /home/wm/ -inum 402656946
5.What effect does copy, move and delete operations have on inode numbers?
- The cp command changes a files inode number When a file is copied to a new location, the a free inode number is a signed to the new copy of the file.
Desktop]$ ls -il rfc1035.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wm wm 122549 Nov 24 1987 rfc1035.txt
Desktop]$ cp rfc1035.txt rfc1035_new.txt
Desktop]$ ls -il rfc1035_new.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wm wm 122549 Feb 23 19:13 rfc1035_new.txt
- The mv command may or may not change the inode number If the file is being moved within the same file system, the mv command does not change the inode number of the file. The number remains as it was and only the file path mapping of the inode changes.
current inode number
Desktop]$ ls -il rfc1035_new.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wm wm 122549 Feb 23 19:13 rfc1035_new.txt
the file to a new directory
Desktop]$ mv rfc1035_new.txt ../Documents/
inode number of moved file
Desktop]$ ls -il ../Documents/rfc1035_new.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wm wm 122549 Feb 23 19:13 ../Documents/rfc1035_new.txt
if the file
moved to another file system, the inode number changes. A free inode
is a located to the new file and the old one
current inode numner for file as 412822792
Documents]$ ls -il rfc1035_new.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wm wm 122549 Feb 23 19:13 rfc1035_new.txt
the file to /root
Documents]$ sudo mv rfc1035_new.txt /root
new inode number of same file as 100675764
Documents]$ sudo ls -il /root/rfc1035_new.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 wm wm 122549 Feb 23 19:13 /root/rfc1035_new.txt
find the old file using inode number – its freed
Documents]$ find /home/wm/Documents/ -inum 412822792
- The rm command delete frees inodes Using rm command removes all links to a file and then frees the inode number by deleting it from the inode table.
Here is a useful command I found in StackExchange that finds the number of inodes in a particular folder. This one finds the number of files per folder in /. The best thing about it is that it checks the folders in / without displaying inode usage recursively.
echo “Detailed Inode usage for: $(pwd)” ; for d in `find -maxdepth 1 -type d |cut -d\/ -f2 |grep -xv . |sort`; do c=$(find $d |wc -l) ; printf “$c\t\t- $d\n” ; done ; printf “Total: \t\t$(find $(pwd) | wc -l)\n”
Sample Output
Detailed Inode usage for: /root
6 – .gnupg
2 – .pki
2 – .ssh
Total: 20